Friday, January 12, 2007

I haven't had many chances lately to post on this blog. WE are all doing fine, although some of us including me haven't been feeling too well today. Teaching these past two morning at the elementary school went really well. I was teaching grade 6 with John and we had a good time teaching them Hokey pokey and other things. In the evenings, we've been going to Kathy's Home and doing testimonies and performing songs and skits there. Mostly we've been enjoying their wonderful singing.

Tomorrow the team will drive to a Hmong village and will stay there overnight. We all brought sleeping bags and will be staying in Hmong houses. We'll be whitewashing a church there and then participating in a church service tomorrow. Should be fun.

However, we need prayer for health. A number of us are fighting sickness and tiredness, including me. Pray in particular for Ashley and myself.



Dita said...

Sounds like its a toss-up between being warm but tired and ill in Thailand or being healthy but cold and snowbound in Saskatchewan. Someone in southern Ontario who is not snowbound and not too cold and sort of healthy is praying for both camps.

Rick McC said...

Hey Dita - you tracking these characters too?

Saskatoon Team returned to school this afternoon AFTER Calgary and LaRonge... long story! Got the van running but locked the keys in? NOT ME! I was doing toilets. An unnamed, wonderful student was so excited to have gotten the van going...

Ashley and Katherine - eat more pineapple - and sleep. You have a great team of people with you - trust them to carry things for a day or two and recover. That's why it's a team.

Praying for all of you to sleep and be rested for your days of ministry and learning.

Rick & Syl

Sheryl said...

Hey! The Calgary teams did amazing out there and we've all returned safely (without incident... like locking keys in the van or anything). It's good to hear how things are doing... I will pray for health as it can so easily make or break the day! I know you guys are being a great testimony out there! TTYL

B & R Toews said...

Hi Everyone. We want to wish a special greeting to Renee, Bryon, Ashley and Matt. We are praying for you everyday. Dad - I can hardly wait to get there myself in two weeks!! I hope that God is showing Himself to you as you see what He is doing in Thailand.