Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Yesterday was a good but full day. We spent the morning resting and then did a whole bunch of things in the afternoon. We visited a Christian counseling centre where my friend Annie works. This is a counseling centre for missionaries from around Asia as well as Thais. Incredible ministry - a lot of brokenness and healing. After that, we went to Agape Children's Home. This is a ministry to care for AIDS orphans started 10 years ago by one woman from Newfoundland who took in one AIDS baby who is now a pretty and thriving 14-year old girl. We got to hold and feed babies, play with toddlers and meet some of the Thai and foreign volunteers there. Wow! After that we went to a Buddhist temple on top of a mountain overlooking the city of Chiang Mai. Very dark and depressing and also a real tourist trap. But it gave students a good idea of what some of the spiritual dynamics are here. Finally in the evening we did more shopping at the night bazaar.
We're now in Pua, Nan. We took a 6 hour van ride to get here from Chiang Mai. We're staying at an absolutely beautiful resort overlooking the city, surrounded by lush green mountains. And the buildings themselves are made out of teak. So pretty and restful! I feel so spoiled staying in such a beautiful place! And believe it or not, the place costs 200 Baht/person/night - less than $7 including breakfast!
Supper was interesting - we walked down the hill to a small restaurant. My Thai abilities were tested as I read the menu written in Thai, ordered in Thai and translated for the team.
Anyway I have to go. More later.
Tomorrow we'll do some orientation and prep for English teaching. We'll also visit the children's home that Mak and Narola have started - 45 kids live there so they can go to school.

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