Monday, January 22, 2007


We arrived safely and uneventfully in Chonburi. It was a very long bus ride though - 10 hours! After quick showers, we left for the Tiger Zoo. This was really neat. We got to feed milk to a baby tiger, watch elephant, tiger and crocodile shows, get rides on an elephant and do other things. I volunteered to lay down down on the ground and be stepped over by 6 elephants!

Tomorrow we'll be meeting some of the missionary team (Team 2000) here, doing some
English teaching prep and then teaching university students English in
the evening. A pretty slack day. Lunch on the beach too!

I didn't have time to write about our last few days in Pua. They went really well. Saturday afternoon we put on a carnival for the kids at Kathy's Home. Then in the evening we had a birthday party complete with birthday cakes and ice cream for Mike and spent some time affirming Mak and Narola and praying together. Sunday we had church at Kathy's Home with the children there and also had lunch with them. It was a very very nice way to end our time in Pua.

Now there are just two full days left here. We leave Thursday morning - it's Monday night now. Please continue to pray for team dynamics and personal transformation for each of us as we continue to see what God is doing here. Thanks!

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