Sunday, January 7, 2007

Day 3

Hi from Thailand! Sorry I haven't had a chance to write yet. We're all well.We arrived on Saturday morning in Bangkok and stayed there for one night. We had tons of fun exploring the city in tuktuks (3 wheel taxi) - it was a blast racing down the streets in a procession of 5 of those vehicles, veering between buses etc. Life on the edge! We wanted to check out the Grand Palace, an elaborate and beautiful temple but it was closed so we wandered around the markets near there, buying fruit shakes, silk skirts etc. Then we went to an open-air restaurant for supper. I had a delicious green curry that was served in a coconut. We got to see some beautiful Thai dancing and skilled martial arts.

Yesterday we had planned to go to a Thai church in the morning but decided to instead have our own worship service at the guest house. We met an amazing couple who are originally from Pakistan but had to flee because of persecution for preaching the gospel there. They are now living in Australia, teach Bible college courses about outreach to Muslims and also preach and teach all over the world. Their faith and trust in God is astounding! What an example and challenge for us! It was great to sing together - one of the students had brought a guitar and another a djembe (a kind of drum) - and we then shared a little about what God is teaching us here and prayed together. We had fried chicken and rice at a little restaurant just down the street - 25 Baht, about 80 cents for a very decent meal.

In the afternoon we flew up to Chiang Mai. We were met by the missionaries, Mak and Narola and taken to a guesthouse here. It's in a great area close to a huge night bazaar. Vendors set up tables to display their wares and the tables go on for blocks and blocks. So last night the team went shopping at the night bazaar. It's expected that you'll bargain for everything there, start at 50% of the price they ask and then go up. Some of the team really enjoyed this and got some great deals on things there - necklaces, tshirts, silk scarfs etc.

Instead of joining the team, I met up with a good Thai friend. She picked me up by motorcycle and took me to a huge open air restaurant here for BBQ. Probably a thousand people there. Everyone gets their own food from a buffet, much of it raw meat and vegetables, and then goes to a table to BBQ it on a small table-top hibachi type thing. A fun very social way to eat and visit. It was great to see my friend and meet her new husband. When I first met her 6 years ago she wasn't a Christian but now she is and it's so cool to see how she is growing in her faith. But she is still struggling and I'm glad that we continue to be friends.

Today we're continuing to explore Chiang Mai. We're going to visit a counseling center for missionaries, an AIDS orphanage, and hopefully also a huge Buddhist temple on a mountain overlooking this city. Should be very sobering and eye-opening for the team.

I'm so glad to be back in Thailand - my 6th time! The team is doing well and I'm enjoying getting to know them and seeing their good attitudes and adventurous, open spirits. Please pray for continued health and safety and a growing understanding and love for the people here. Pray for opportunities for us to be witnesses and to display God's love.

Tomorrow we'll head out to Pua, Nan by van with Mak and Narola (the missionaries) to begin teaching English and helping with a children's home there. It'll be great to be there again - my 2nd home from 10 years ago when I first lived in Thailand.

Bye for now - would love to hear from you!



Unknown said...

Great to hear from you. Thinking of you guys often. A senior couple from our church called me over the weekend to ask about the Thailand team. They're praying for you faithfully.

All God's best.

Rob Neufeld

Darlene said...

Just thought you might enjoy hearing that snow is falling, and they are predicting temps to fall to -20 or more in the next few days. Enjoy the warmth of Thailand! Praying that you will encounter God in new ways through the people you meet and serve.

Darlene Klassen