Today, we spent some time getting an orientation and some delicious pineapple from Mak and Narola. The fruit here is so good! Orientation included some do's and don'ts (don't step on coins or touch someone's head or point with your feet; do ask questions and seek to learn, try to speak Thai, try to understand and live as the Thais here, embrace the opportunities of each day and see each thing we do including English teaching as relationship building and ask God to help us in what we do). Mak and Narola are excellent teachers and they have a lot of credibility since they have been missionaries in Thailand for 14 years and Nepal before that for 8.
After orientation, we visited two schools (the elementary and high schools we'll be teaching at) and also visited Kathy's Home (the children's home that Mak and Narola started). Wow, the kids are so cute! At both schools, they were both excited and shy to see us. They seem to especially take to the guys on our team - I guess they're so tall and remind the kids of some of the sports stars they've seen on TV. They went crazy when one of the guys took out his camera, posing in crazy ways for him. Anyway, it was good to visit these schools - it helps give us an idea of what we're getting into. Students were quite nervous before this. We'll teach tomorrow and Friday at one school (grades 1-9) and then next week, we'll teach 4 days to kids from grades 7-11. It'll be fun - and a good reminder of what I did when I was here before.
In the evening, we visited Kathy's Home. 45 kids meet every evening for singing and bible study. They can sure sing! After they sang some worship songs, two of our students gave testimonies and the music group performed two worship songs. That was cool. After that, we had about 10 minutes to mingle with the students. It was fun to ask and answer questions in English (I tried to not use my Thai too much so they could practice). Very sweet kids. They really enjoyed Matt's magic tricks. It was cool to see how each member of our team found a way to connect with the students. I look forward to our visits there each evening.
I've turned into the waitress for the group for meals. But the students are actually starting to learn how to say things in Thai so hopefully they'll be able to order for themselves soon. I'm excited to see how motivated many of them are to speak Thai and impressed by their language learning abilities. Nothing like an immersion experience to spur a person on to learn another language!
Team times have been good. Some of us are struggling with culture shock or other things but for the most part we are doing well. We really desire for open, honest, real and loving relationships with each other. Not always easy but by God's grace we pray it will happen. It has already begun. We're studying Philippians together which has a lot of challenging things to say about ministry and servanthood in teams. We enjoy our singing together - we have a very musical group and two guitars and a drum to add to the mix. I love these times!
Tomorrow we'll have to get up early to have breakfast and then be on our way to the school by quarter to 8. The morning will be spent teaching in the school, we'll have lunch at the school with the teachers, we'll spend the afternoon prepping and resting and then will be back at Kathy's home in the evening.
I'd appreciate your prayers for continued health and energy and good attitudes as we embark on our English teaching. Nerves have been calmed somewhat by our school visits today. Pray for team unity and wisdom especially for Sherry as she deals with personal and team issues. I am thankful for this day and what we were able to do and learn and what God has brought us each day we have been here in Thailand.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
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Thanks for the update, Katherine. Greetings to the team. You guys are missing the biggest blizzard in Sask. in decades. Just think of the awesome upper body workout we will be getting as we shovel out tomorrow! Don't be jealous.
Will keep praying for you.
hey guys sounds like your doing awesome and making me jealous of all the great times you are having ...
You might like to know that the Saskatoon team spent some time praying for you. It was probably while you were visitng the school yesterday since you are 13 hours ahead of us. It was really exciting to see our team want to be thoughtful in prayer for the other teams that are out.
The blizzard yesterday was intense! We were being "refugees" and using the buses which meant that Dana and company were stranded at Confed Mall when the buses quit coming into Meadowgreen because the roads were too bad. Erika Scammell has a 4-wheel drive and took along a couple of guys to go rescue them and they had a blast pushing stuck people out of the snow in various places and gave a ride to a couple of other Appleby Drive residents who were stranded at the mall. When McDonald's closes due to snow you know it's serious!!!!
It was disappointing for us though because we'd planned a wonderful big New Year's Party for the Appleby Drive families at the local school and we had to go through the apartments putting flyers under doors to let people know we had to cancel. Today all the Saskatoon schools are closed.
So our "jobs" are cancelled and we are seeking to be servants in a less formal way in this community. For now, that involves a lot of shovelling!!!!f
Love to all and our continued prayers are with you.
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