Today was our last day teaching. I was glad to be able to get into the classroom again. It has been a challenging experience for our team. Some classes are very eager while others are quite undisciplined, show up late, and do not pay attention. But I'm glad we could all have this opportunity. John and I taught 3 classes this morning - the first two were quite good but the last was not very good at English or interested. Being in the classrooms has definitely given us some unique insights into the culture here and the education system. One thing they seem to do is group the best students in a class and the worst in another. We did clearly see the differences in the classes although there did seem to be one or two eager students regardless of the class.
As I wrote yesterday, we were given part of the morning assembly. It turned out we only had about 1/2 an hour. First, some of the Thai students performed Thai dancing and music. Then our team sang some worship songs, did a skit about how we do not need to earn our way into heaven, and Matt Smith gave a short talk on the invitation to accept Jesus as the only way to be saved. Some of the students and teachers paid close attention, others did not. Not sure if they understood much even with Mak translating. But we are glad that we could praise God at this public school. And if even one student is starting to think more about God and how Jesus is different, that is good. One small step at a time! Sherry and I were given seats of honor at the front and at the end, they presented all of us with beautiful handmade cloth bags and took pictures of us with the teachers. Very much a culture of ceremony!
Tomorrow afternoon, we will put on a carnival/children's day at Kathy's Home. We will prep this tonight after we go to Kathy's Home as usual. This should be a lot of fun. We have brought face paint, balloon animal materials and miniature hockey sticks from home among other things. The kids there are really nice and it will be great for our students to serve them in the way and just have fun with them, without having to be limited by language.
Please continue to pray for each of us. I am doing well now, over my bronchitis, and looking forward to the rest of our trip. Karis is also getting better. Please also pray for Mak and Narola - they work very hard, are tired, and haven't gotten any break for a long time now and will be receiving another team as soon as we leave.